Sunday, 31 July 2022

RPG A Day 2022: Day1 Who Would You Like to Introduce to RPGs ?

 Another year of RPG A Day begins and it's time to raise my blog back from the dead. I wish I could be more consistent throughout the year in making entries, but I'm not disciplined enough. It's always a bittersweet time for me as at the end of RPG A Day it is the beginning of another school year...and I'd much rather stay on vacation. 

Question:Who is it that I would like to introduce RPGs to? Answer: my daughter. 

She will turn 8 this September, and with each passing year I am getting closer to the time when I can play a full game with her. It's really funny how days fly by. There have been several occasions throughout the school year wherein we have lots of time together, but that time just seems to get away from us. 

If there is one goal to meet this August it will be to at least help her to make a character for a solo run.