Friday, 30 September 2016

Election 2016: What Happened to the Youth Movement?

Today on my Facebook feed a liberal friend asked what kind of a world I wanted to leave for my daughter in regard to the upcoming elections. We've been locked in the usual and useless left winger vs. right winger arguments for years even before this divisive election year. According to two of my fellow conservatives, my reply won the least for now...and here it is:

 "I would like for Chloe to live in a world wherein the United States returns to being a nation where no one--not even Presidents or Secretaries of State--is above the law. I want a world wherein our nation--allegedly a constitutional republic--actually follows its own constitution. I want a nation that stops assaulting our God given rights for the sake of political correctness. I want a nation that chooses life--including the lives of millions of unborn babies--over death, national sovereignty over international acceptance, and common sense over a false definition of 'tolerance'. In essence I want Chloe to live in a world that is the exact opposite of the one being brought about by progressives like Obama and Hillary."

I would also have hammered the need for secure boarders, but I know that my liberal friend--and he is a friend in a literal non-sarcastic way, unlike how I normally use the phrase--happens to have entered the States illegally as a child. I feel it's "punching down", but friends or not we do need secure boarders. We need to take the figurative handcuffs off of our law enforcement officers and allow them to do their duties and make judgement calls without fear of repercussions from so-called "racial profiling", and in rare situations, we need to put literal handcuffs on the law enforcement officers who do cross the line. The three branches of our government also--desperately--need to learn their roles and functions. Activist courts--especially the highest court in our land with the lifetime appointments--should not be allowed to create laws. It isn't their function. The White House shouldn't be celebrating the fact that our Judicial branch overstepped their bounds either. These are issues that I hope are fixed if Mr. Trump takes office. Will he actually be able to pull off a win...and then be effective dealing with congress? I can't say. He may be the absolute worst of them all, but right now we don't know that. We DO know that Hillary is a rattlesnake. I for one would rather take my chances with the mystery box than the known rattlesnake, and it seems a lot of people are coming around to that way of thinking. I just hope it's not too little, too late.

Some have asked me is there anything good that you can say about the current POTUS. I usually reply that it is good that he'll be retiring soon. Today, I put a bit more thought into the question and I think the one good thing that I can say about Obama is that at least he was young.  Hillary Clinton is 68 and Donald Trump is 70. When Obama finally does retire after serving two terms--and that day cannot come soon enough--he'll still be younger than either of his upcoming replacements. So I ask, What Happened to the Youth Movement? At age 42 I'm still young enough that it doesn't bother me having someone older than I am in office. Someone say 10 or even 20 years older than me would should still be somewhat in touch with the younger generation while using the knowledge and wisdom that comes with experience....but 68?  70? Just starting term one? I thin they've gone past the tipping point. These folks should be enjoying retirement. At some point it's only natural that the elderly can't keep up with modern technology and that they begin to lose some of their mental, physical and social prowess. No wonder Hillary is having coughing fits, collapsing, and screwing up e-mails--she's an old lady--my mom can't even use Facebook, and when Trump goes off on a tangent sounding like a cranky, old grandpa who can't reign in his tongue--it's because he is one. Maybe this is the last hurrah for candidates of this age--certainly from their era, it almost has to be. Either way I'm not too concerned about facing a two term presidency from Aunty Hill even if she does manager to steal the election. Of course I am desperately worried about the amount of damage she can cause while waiting for the Grim Reaper to come and collect. 

Tuesday, 6 September 2016

Movie Reviews: Kubo and the Two Strings

Could be *SPOILERS>>>>SPOILERS>>>>>* ahead.

I watched this movie in 3-D last night and I have to say that it is one of the best things I've seen all year. It didn't do so good at the U.S. box office, but I implore my ten or so loyal readers to go out and see it on the big screen--in 3-D if you can. You'll be loving life and feeling good when you leave the theater. The movie is one of those special ones that comes along once in a while that really has appeal for all ages and can pull the emotions out of you. It's scary, funny, sad, action-packed and above all loving. Such wisdom out of a cartoon.   5-star instant classic. 

Sunday, 4 September 2016

Movie Reviews: Ranking the Nightmare on Elm St. Movies

For those who haven't read my blog before, I live and work in the United Arab Emirates. I teach English to ESL students in the 12th grade. Don't judge my teaching ability by any gaffes that may appear in my rants. I used to be a fairly good writer. Unfortunately, after seven full years of teaching abroad--the last six of which have been spent here, preceded by one year of teaching in Taiwan--my English skills have actually deteriorated rather than improved. Bad company corrupts good manners or in my case good English practice. You miss a lot when you work abroad. It's a sacrifice that you make so that you can bring in the big tax-free paycheck and dodge creditors. One thing I miss is Halloween. There are places around wherein expats can participate in something like Halloween, but the big celebration of fun that takes place in the States just doesn't happen here. I miss American Football--college and NFL--too, but that's a story for another day. So, for the next month or two--between bitching about Killary--I'm going to throw a few scary movie reviews up here to get me in the Halloween mood. The first thing I'm going to do is rank the Nightmare on Elm St. movies. I won't be covering a lot of new ground here as I agree with most critics and fans, but it will be a nice short one to start with.

1. A Nightmare on Elm St.: (1984)  The one that started it all. Many would say that it is still the best. It does hold up a lot better than some of the others. It's certainly scarier. I think almost everybody chooses this one, Dream Warriors or New Nightmare as their favorite. I'm in the Dream Warriors camp, but there's nothing wrong with this one. I call it a 5-star classic. I was able to watch this first run at the theater where my dad worked part-time as a cleaner. I was ten years old and loving life.

2. A Nightmare on Elm St. 2:Freddy's Revenge:(1985) A quick turn around to make a second part. It's my least favorite in the series--including the remake. They didn't really follow the "rules" of the majority of 'Elm St.' films and the acting in this one is atrocious--excluding Robert Englund of course. I later found out that there were tons of gay overtones in this movie. It was all over my head when I was eleven. I can still give it somewhere between a 2 and a 3-star rating. Freddy is like pizza.

3.A Nightmare on Elm St. 3: Dream Warriors:(1987) This is my favorite of the series. This is where they started bringing in fantasy elements and allowing the teen characters--some of them anyway--to put up a fight using their dream powers. The mix of horror and humor were balanced perfectly in this one. It still holds up to this day. You will notice a theme throughout the series: the better movies happen when they don't go for a quick turn around--this time spending two years before cranking out a sequel--and when Wes Craven has some involvement. This is 5-star all the way for me.

4.A Nightmare on Elm St. 4: The Dream Master:(1988) Case and point--one year between sequels and no Wes Craven equals mediocrity...for the most part. Freddy goes full comedy in this one and they kill off all the good characters from the third movie in the opening scenes Alien 3 style. That just sucked, and Alice wasn't nearly as good as the old characters were. I do remember liking this one more back when it first came out and I was a plucky teen just entering the ninth grade. It's probably been ten years or more since I last watched it. It's still entertaining, but clearly all of the non-Freddy actors and actresses have such flat delivery of their lines. It was a product of its time. I give it somewhere between a 3 and a 4.

5. A Nightmare on Elm St. 5: The Dream Child:(1989) Another one with a one-year turnaround. No wonder the series started losing steam; it was over-saturated. I didn't remember them coming out like that--I know the 'Saw' franchise was an annual thing for the longest time, but I never thought of these movies as yearly events. This one has grown on me over the years. It kind of flipped and flopped with 'Dream Master' and it has always been one of the good ones, but some of the kills--especially the  'Greta' kill--just seem too mean spirited. There is a delicate balance when doing gallows type humor. It's a little too dark for me this time. This same uncomfortable feeling shows up for me again in the remake.  For what it's worth I give it 4-stars. It was underrated by a lot of people including me.

6. Freddy's Dead:The Final Nightmare:(1991) Back to a two year turnaround, but this time it didn't help. This one is all over the place in tone, and I guess this is where they really lost the plot. Dream demons were stupid and really ruined Freddy's origin. I don't know what they were even thinking there. I liked the kills in this one--although one could argue that the pendulum of balance may have swung too much in the direction of lightheartedness this time. The 3-D effect in the theater was only so-so. Had they done it with today's 3-D technology it would have been a lot better. Lisa Zane was such a babe back then...alas, it was my last year of high I'm can give it a 3-star review.

7. Wes Craven's New Nightmare:(1994) It's no masterpiece, but it's really grown on me over the years. Three full years since the last sequel and not exactly cannon, this movie addressed a lot of what went wrong with Freddy as a character. I won't say too much about it that hasn't already been said. It's worth a watch and is often in the discussion of which 'Elm St.' film was best. For what it's worth I give it 4-stars.

8. Freddy vs. Jason: (2003) I loved it and wish that they would have done more. It was nearly ten years between sequels this time. The director and writer gave lots of love to Freddy and Jason and the fans. I give it 4-stars. I wouldn't quite put it up there with 'original', 'warriors' or 'new' as far as "real" films go, but as a genre film--it was so awesome. I can't believe it's already 13 years old.

9. A Nightmare on Elm St.:(2010) I don't loathe it, but it's not very good. Freddy's character design is garbage. The movie is far more boring than it needs to be. They didn't try to do anything really new. Nightmare on Elm St. movies should be amazing now. The teens should have plenty of powers to fight Freddy with and Freddy should have a lot of creative kills--that's what makes these types of movies fun. The only cool thing they added were the 'micro-naps'. I also hate, hate, hate when they play up the 'child molester' angle with Freddy. I know he was never a nice guy in any of his origins, but mostly he needs to be killing wild teens--and he's more of a dirty old man toward the teens than young kids. I like the character played as a bogey man and urban legend than a child molester that's for sure. I give it between 2 and 3 stars again.

Final Ranking: 1.Dream Warriors
                           3. Vs. Jason
                           4. New Nightmare
                           5. Dream Child
                           6. Dream Master
                           7. Freddy's Dead
                           8. Reboot
                           9. Freddy's Revenge

So, here in 2016 I hear rumors of another attempt at a reboot--Robert Englund is said to be interested in at least doing a cameo. Here's to it. Oh, and one more thing I always dug the posters for parts 1-5. It was really good artwork that you just don't get out of posters these days, and worth mentioning...avert your eyes from the Freddy's Dead poster though--simply standard fare.

Thursday, 1 September 2016

Election Year 2016: Throwing Your Vote Away

If you happened to read my rant from yesterday--and didn't fall asleep halfway through--then you know that I am pro-life and it's my one issue. The rest I'm willing to compromise on no matter how distasteful certain views may be to my socially conservative mindset. I've always tried to live with the attitude that so long as nobody gets hurt, and I'm not being forced to view or participate in the debauchery then by all means do your thing--just leave me and my family out of it. I'll save it for another rant, but the latter part of that statement is continuously being encroached upon by the SJW crowd these days, and obviously those who are traditionalists in their morals and value system--like me--aren't too happy about it. Today's rant is different. I want to answer the question posed by this meme:

Due to the controversy that surrounds the actual products on display, I must first state that depending on where you live in the States the answer may be literally 'yes'. Apparently, In most states Dr.Pepper is bottled by one of the 'big two'. I've always seen it as a Pepsi product bottled by Buffalo Rock;Coke was the producer of the similar tasting and as far as I know currently defunct, Mr.Pibb, but apparently Coke will sometimes bottle Dr.Pepper, and yes, in some places the good Dr. is bottled by independent distributors. I'm not sure how it all works, but it might have been better if the meme used an RC Cola or a Jones Soda instead. If they wanted one to represent the Green Party they could have used a knock-off store brand like Sam's American Choice or perhaps a Fresca. In spite of the poor choice representing the 'third party' I think we understand what the meme is trying to say, so let's take a look at the analogy.  

We live in a free country--or at least under the pretense of one--and we can vote for whoever we see fit. That's a fact. Now, whether or not those votes actually count for anything is up for debate. In these years the integrity of our elections and whether or not we have an actual "choice" is questionable. I'm not going to go into tinfoil hat land on this one. There's a lot to be said for the conspiracy theories, and they're not as far fetched as most people like to think they are, but for now we will pretend that our votes matter. If you truly see no difference between the Republicans and the Democrats, then exercise your right to vote for a third party. Just do so knowing that you 'voted' for the actual winner. The same goes for people who decide to abstain. There is no shame in voting with your conscience or abstaining outright if you really feel that you should. However, if you do feel that one candidate from a major party is even slightly better than the other, then you should vote for the better among those two. At this point in time there is no way a third party candidate wins our national election, but he can garner enough votes to keep the better man out. I'll lay out the scenario for you and wrap it up below. 

Back to our refreshments at a party analogy: Stein--the Green Party candidate--who, in one recent poll was losing to Harambe, the dead gorilla and the fictional candidate, Deez Nutz--is clearly the Fresca or tepid water from a birdbath and nobody is choosing her. Johnson is our Dr.Pepper. You love the taste of Dr. Pepper...but you ain't gonna get it. Trump he's our Coca-Cola. You don't particularly like Coca-Cola. Coca-Cola tastes too bitter for you. You really want that Dr.Pepper...but you ain't gonna get it. Hillary is our foul Pepsi. Pepsi not only tastes bitter, but it will give everyone explosive diarrhea and it will cause you to piss your pants and forget who you are for a couple of weeks. You really want that Dr.Pepper...but you ain't gonna get it. The host takes a vote and he's only placing an order for the beverage that gets the highest score. What are you going to do? You want that Dr.Pepper! It's not throwing a vote away! You decide to make that choice. Surely, the rest of the Dr.Pepper loving party goers will side with you..Who wants a bitter tasting Coke?....and the results...Coke:25....Pepsi:26...Dr.Pepper:2...Enjoy your Pepsi! 

We must leave the analogy. In this specific election at least one, but some pundits have estimated up to five...FIVE! Supreme Court Justices will be appointed. These justices are appointed for life. At the moment the only thing keeping tens of thousands of illegal aliens from amnesty--and potential voting rights--is a 4-4 tie in the Supreme Court. Hillary has already vowed to continue Obama's policy on this matter. Should she take the White House--with less than 50% of the vote thanks in part to third party voters--she will appoint liberal judges and grant amnesty to tens of thousands of liberal minded voters who wouldn't dare vote against Santa Claus for generations to come. If you are a liberal--you have my sympathies since you have clearly been brainwashed--that's good news for you. If you are a conservative or someone with common sense--like most Libertarians--then you should see why this is not the year to take pride in a strong third place showing. We need to be supporting someone who can actually win, and keep the witch, crooked Hillary out of the office. We need a man like Trump. He may not be your cup of tea, but think of the alternative. On face value, Trump is an outsider, but he'll be advised by conservatives. He'll appoint judges that respect the constitution--not overreaching activists. Libertarians should agree that the constitution is our rule of law, and they should see how Hillary thumbs her nose at it...were she anyone of us she would be going to the big house and not the White House....and no...YOU CANNOT HAVE THE DR.PEPPER....

Election Year 2016: Why I vote Republican.

As promised I would write a blog about Killary and election year 2016. You can lose a lot of social media friends by talking about can lose a lot of real friends too. At the risk of that, I'm going to write a series of rants about the goings on  of the 2016 U.S. presidential election season. I'm not too worried because I think I'm about to find out the answer to the question--If a tree falls in the forest but no one hears it, does it make a sound?

For day one I'll offend a lot of people right away by stating unequivocally that I am a one issue voter. I am pro-life. I believe that the practice of murdering unborn children should be abolished. This barbaric procedure should only be performed in the rarest of circumstances--most noted the life of the mother. This is even detailed in the original court cases, but today there is a whole industry built around it. It is eugenics and it is population control. That shouldn't be up for debate because the disproportionate numbers of minority children being murdered is plain for anyone to see. There is one debate and one alone. When does life begin? For those who believe as I do, life begins at conception. We were all embryos at one point after all. That being said, when does life begin for you? Is it when the baby's heart begins to beat? Is it when the baby has developed limbs, fingernails, hair, and an identifiable gender? Thousands if not millions of unborn children are murdered each year in possession of these traits. This also negates one of the arguments that states that "people without a uterus shouldn't have a voice in this debate" as each of these murdered babies has a solid 50/50 shot of having a uterus themselves. Yet, they literally have no voice to speak for themselves. Does life begin only when the baby is viable outside of the mother's womb? If that's so what about all of the premature babies who would not have survived without outside help? Were they alive then? When exactly did they start living? What about all the 20 and 30 year-olds out there who are arguably not viable apart from outside assistance today? Is it okay to abort them?

 According to one of our presidential candidates, it should be possible to abort (murder) a child up to the day of his or her birth. That's insane. What's more insane is that people will continue to support her after she states such a monstrous claim. For the record, Trump said the right thing about the issue once but then immediately backpedaled. So, then why do I vote Republican when it will change nothing? It is because of the party platform. Some Republicans may be, but the party platform is pro-life. Some Democrats may be pro-life, unfortunately, their platform is pro-choice. Out of the gates I could never vote for them. There are also many executive orders in regard to abortion that are rescinded and enacted based on whether or not a Democrat or a Republican is in office. Most of these apply to providing funding and training for killing the unborn overseas. For these past eight years you can bet that these programs have been well funded. They will continue to be funded as long as Auntie Hill or any of her ilk are in control of the nation.

To wrap up today's rant I'll repeat something that I've said before. I would gladly serve as grand marshal for an annual parade of gay illegal immigrant transvestites if it meant that I could save the life of just one unborn child. In other words, above all else choose life.

One of Clinton's goofs: