Thursday 1 September 2016

Election Year 2016: Why I vote Republican.

As promised I would write a blog about Killary and election year 2016. You can lose a lot of social media friends by talking about can lose a lot of real friends too. At the risk of that, I'm going to write a series of rants about the goings on  of the 2016 U.S. presidential election season. I'm not too worried because I think I'm about to find out the answer to the question--If a tree falls in the forest but no one hears it, does it make a sound?

For day one I'll offend a lot of people right away by stating unequivocally that I am a one issue voter. I am pro-life. I believe that the practice of murdering unborn children should be abolished. This barbaric procedure should only be performed in the rarest of circumstances--most noted the life of the mother. This is even detailed in the original court cases, but today there is a whole industry built around it. It is eugenics and it is population control. That shouldn't be up for debate because the disproportionate numbers of minority children being murdered is plain for anyone to see. There is one debate and one alone. When does life begin? For those who believe as I do, life begins at conception. We were all embryos at one point after all. That being said, when does life begin for you? Is it when the baby's heart begins to beat? Is it when the baby has developed limbs, fingernails, hair, and an identifiable gender? Thousands if not millions of unborn children are murdered each year in possession of these traits. This also negates one of the arguments that states that "people without a uterus shouldn't have a voice in this debate" as each of these murdered babies has a solid 50/50 shot of having a uterus themselves. Yet, they literally have no voice to speak for themselves. Does life begin only when the baby is viable outside of the mother's womb? If that's so what about all of the premature babies who would not have survived without outside help? Were they alive then? When exactly did they start living? What about all the 20 and 30 year-olds out there who are arguably not viable apart from outside assistance today? Is it okay to abort them?

 According to one of our presidential candidates, it should be possible to abort (murder) a child up to the day of his or her birth. That's insane. What's more insane is that people will continue to support her after she states such a monstrous claim. For the record, Trump said the right thing about the issue once but then immediately backpedaled. So, then why do I vote Republican when it will change nothing? It is because of the party platform. Some Republicans may be, but the party platform is pro-life. Some Democrats may be pro-life, unfortunately, their platform is pro-choice. Out of the gates I could never vote for them. There are also many executive orders in regard to abortion that are rescinded and enacted based on whether or not a Democrat or a Republican is in office. Most of these apply to providing funding and training for killing the unborn overseas. For these past eight years you can bet that these programs have been well funded. They will continue to be funded as long as Auntie Hill or any of her ilk are in control of the nation.

To wrap up today's rant I'll repeat something that I've said before. I would gladly serve as grand marshal for an annual parade of gay illegal immigrant transvestites if it meant that I could save the life of just one unborn child. In other words, above all else choose life.

One of Clinton's goofs:

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