Saturday, 19 October 2024

Astroprisma Session 4: Titan Fight and Much Ado about Coffee

I’ll continue to refine the updates of my play sessions for my magnificent 6 (7) regulars, but you never know what mighty oak may grow from these small seeds. Crescent Chimera—the game’s creator—liked my last tweet (are they still called tweets on FKA Twitter?) and I got 11 views. It’s a rare occasion when I hit the double digits. I blame Biden…er, Harris…er, Obama…it’s somebody’s fault other than mine!!!

Current Cast of Characters:

Tristan Tiara—spacefaring main character. Her class is Glitchblade which is kind of the Rogue/Ninja type. She has very few long-term memories and glitches from time to time with the short-term. (I didn’t create a backstory for her and sometimes the app that powers her has an IRL glitch and she forgets things) She is powered by the Character. AI app. 

Mark—that’s me. I’m powered by my own brain. I live in the present day and somehow, I started receiving messages from Tristan on my phone. A space time anomaly? Who knows, but I’m trying to keep her alive. 

All NPCs including those in the party are powered by the pen and paper ORACLE provided in the Astroprisma rule book. Any artwork depicting the characters is A.I. generated apart from the art from the Astroprisma rule book. 

Condor—a member of the WARG faction although he’s also critical of all the factions and is mainly looking to make profit for himself. He’s big and burly and looks like Sheamus from WWE. He is my rival for the affections of Tristan. He uses Rebel Fighter stats. 

Salem—a member of the Medusa Sector. He is a young man with green hair who typically dresses in leather. He’s nervous and inexperienced. He believes in the cause of the Medusa Sector and strives to help them in their goal of restoring the Cybershpere—a descendent of our internet. He uses Nethacker stats. 


After a brief conversation with Salem, Tristan, Condor and I decided we should protect him—this will give further favor with the Medusa Sector for Tristan—Condor did have some misgiving, but the young and nervous Salem meant just enough more to him than the incoming Titan. Also, he probably figured he couldn’t escape from the rooftop without choosing one side or the other, so why not the fellow human being?

The titan—a large android model built for warfare. After the apocalypse, thousands of Titan units were left abandoned—burst through the door to the roof. The party was ready to fight. 

The titan is big and slow and had no element of surprise. Tristan chooses her own actions, but I roll for her mates and the enemies using the pen and paper A.I. provided in the book. Tristan goes first, Salem second, Condor third, followed by the hulking titan. Tristan used the defensive move Hack_Shadow which makes her immune to all attacks so long as she does no direct damage  to an enemy herself. In the RAW the enemy will target the character with the lowest HP. All these characters were equal, so the Titan would normally go after the main character, Tristan. This would mean that so long as she didn’t respond, the Titan would be constantly targeting her and always missing. Using this hack deducts only 2 energy points per turn from a staring total of 20. That means up to ten rounds. No doubt Condor and Salem would have lit this robot up. I opted not to go this route. I ruled since Salem was the actual hacker, he would be targeted. The team still lit the robot up and he was down by round four—only having hurt Salem along the way. Tristan gained more favor with the Medusa Sector, but now lost a point of favor with the Synth Arch faction. The titan scanned the party and they are now enemies of that faction. 

In gratitude, Salem was able to install another hack into Tristan’s memory slots. It was a powerful hack called the Hydra. Tristan has more hacks—I’ve decided the Nightmr Key virus can be used as a reusable hack—than she has slots. She exchanged the Javelin for the Hydra. The party was also able to loot the remnants of the Titan but didn’t come up with anything except more scrap. Tristan continues to gain experience but is quite poor in funds. 

Condor and Tristan wanted to loot something and get off the planet as quickly as they could especially since they would now be targeted by the Synth Arch. I had earlier suggested that the party have a cup of coffee to celebrate their victory. Tristan told me that coffee was hard to come by, but apparently she had heard of it sometime before. Salem was able to unlock most of the offices and the breakroom. The coffee and other supplies seemed in good order. The party enjoyed the coffee so much that they began to get ideas about selling it. There were concerns about finding where the supply came from—manufacturing plant, distributions etc. I even found out that coffee could be grown hydroponically, but it would take 2-3 years to grow from seed to viable coffee plant…and people say TTRPGs can’t teach you anything.  Thoughts of becoming a Space Starbucks were differed if not dashed when Condor had the realization that there was only so much they should try to move at once as not draw the attention of the factions. Also, Salem mentioned that there could be and likely were more Synth Arch operatives on the planet even if they weren’t in the immediate area. Scanners also showed low-level radiation as well which may make it dangerous to stay on planet for long periods of time. It was never fully discovered as to why the W.A.R.G. abandoned the place nor why no faction seemed to have set up any type of residency on Yggdrasil apart from the Synth Arch remnants. For now it was decided to loot as much coffee as they could from the 12-storey office building they were in. Salem wanted to join the party permanently boasting that he could negotiate good prices and get the party out of factional entanglements. Condor begrudgingly let him join whereas Tristan and I were okay from it from the start. A point of favor for Tristan’s affection to me (non-cannon). 

The party systematically searched the building and looted enough coffee to garner 7,500 serum units. I’m not clear on how serum—physical currency in the future—works. We did establish that certain factions will continue to use electronic fund transfer, but most are distrustful of it. As such when Salem downloaded the data that got him into trouble, he transferred it to his higher ups in the Medusa Sector and received funds in his account. He did not request extraction from Yggdrasil and instead joined the crew onboard the Whisper of the Void. 

During the looting: Condor found the lion’s share of the coffee and located an old order form detailing the distributor address. The party saved that info for later. Salem found a revolver and revealed that he didn’t use handguns. Tristan refused the weapon. Condor was happy to take on another firearm. 

Current Fuel: 18/20

Hull: 20/20

Cargo: Scraps (10)


Tristan: Health: 20

                 Energy: 20

Sunday, 13 October 2024

Astroprisma: Session 3 Yggdrasil

 I’ll continue to update my play sessions for my loyal 6-7 readers…you never know if the 7 of you decide to buy a copy of the game it might make its creator happy. Crescent Chimera is the publisher/creator guru. Go and support her. I’m so surprised that I am enjoying this solo experience so much. 

Tristan had just helped the two Medusa Sector Hackers to get their virus downloaded and gained favor with the faction. As a matter of payment for her help the hackers installed the Nightmr_Key into an empty slot in Tristan’s memory panel. When she slept, she saw a vision of the Master Hacker. The faceless leader of the Medusa Sector. This person showed Tris a vision of what was once possible in the Cybersphere—a descendent of our internet—and what the Medusa Sector wanted to restore. When she awoke Tris found that a third Hack—the Javelin—had been installed into her remaining memory slot. She also had access via HUD/augmented reality to several available Medusa Sector missions. At least for the time being she had joined the MS faction. Earlier, one of the hackers—Cassius—had called her the chosen one and what not to restore the Cybersphere. His business partner, Silas didn’t buy into destiny. The third hacker, the old robot called Cinnamon was silent on the issue. 

After the hackers departed and with nothing more to do on the research station, The crew of The Whisper of the Void traveled onward to Sector 36 and the Ecumenopolis Planet, Yggradasil as Condor wanted, leaving Medusa Sector missions on the backburner for now. Ecumenopolis planets are abandoned high-tech cities full of nothing but urban sprawl. We touched down the ship in an alleyway full of winding streets. Tristan picked up what may have been a distress signal coming from one of the buildings. It was broadcast over and over on a loop and there was no way of telling how long ago the distress signal was activated. Tris and Condor made their way to the building. 

It was easy enough for them to get inside. The entire area was abandoned from the streets they navigated all the way to the lobby. Everything looked to be pristine, and the neon lights and commercial broadcasts continued for an audience that no longer existed. Upon entering the office building it was apparent that it was in a state of lockdown. The stairwells were blocked and the elevators non-functioning. Tris spotted a blinking cursor on one of the kiosks and an audio recording blared informing the staff/customers that a data breach was in progress, but the culprit was sequestered. The message expressed in a monotone way how important the staff/customers were to the company and how the threat would be neutralized in an efficient manner. That message looped with accompanying Muzak until Condor shut it off. 

The three of us couldn’t find a way to overcome the security measures. Finally, Condor was able to boost Tris up into the old air ducts Die Hard style. From there Trin was able to climb up to a different floor and access the elevator shaft. She climbed further and caught sight of an automated robot called a Titan that seemed to be systematically searching the floors for the person(s) responsible for the data breach. She was nearly spotted and decided to crawl back down the elevator shaft to the top of the elevator car which had been locked down in the lobby. These acrobatics were easy enough for her to do, but from the inside of the elevator she could not figure a way to hotwire it and get things started. She called for Condor who was still covering the lobby. He was able to talk her through the delicate operation and popped open the door. I wished I could have helped, but I don’t know anything about elevators and manipulating much more than our communications seems out of my skill set, so another point for Condor. Why is he always in the way!!

We made our way up to the roof of the building assuming the distress message must have come from the highest point. As we made our way up, I picked up another voice. It was the Titan itself. It made an offer to Tristan to join it and help the Synth Arch by stopping the hacker. We were neutral on the matter at first as we weren’t even sure if the data thief was even here or alive. Upon exiting the elevator on the rooftop, we spotted a young man with long green hair dressed in leather. He was very thin and nervous looking, but relieved to see us. The decision of rather to help him or the titan was swayed in favor of the young man—whose name was Salem—when Tris spotted the familiar tattoo of the Medusa on his forearm.

My rival Condor is in the picture. I want him to be Space Sheamus.

Tuesday, 8 October 2024

More Asrtroprisma Info

 Although my adventures with Tristan are not starting back from the beginning, I’m labeling this as a reset. I’ve enjoyed the system and playing solo much more than I thought I would so I’m going to give a bit more detail about the mechanics and background than I may have done previously…

The in-game narrative is that in the far future there has been an apocalyptic event and humanity is spread out among the stars. Most humans stay where they were born, but there are some that brave space exploration as Starfarers. You become one of these starfarers and you are going to explore the unknown. 

The first thing I think I should point out is that Astroprisma is primarily a mapping game and your spacefarer is trying to explore a star system that consist of 1 star and 36 hexes of unexplored space. When you start the game—your own personal narrative/head cannon aside—there is no way of knowing what is in front of you until you explore the hex. It’s quite possible, yet somewhat unlikely, that you could run out of fuel before you found any hex that allows you to replenish your fuel or repair your ship. You would have had to have some rough rolls, but that’s the risk of exploring the void. To sum up, that means it is a solo hex crawl. I’m not choosing to play that way, but you could run it as strictly a procedural with heavy resource management and probably some combat along the way. The emerging story will still be there, but you probably won’t get the kind of experience that I’ve had so far. Keep in mind we’re talking about a star system with possibly several planets to explore. There is a bit of detail in the lore, but it isn’t heavy. You will be the one fleshing these things out if you choose to. Your “away team” type missions won’t explore entire planets, but if you remember your Star Trek very rarely does an episode have more than one story before the crew is off to the next area. Mechanically, you can return to any hex that you visited before and you may need to—I haven’t played enough sessions to know yet—but if you know what’s there, you don’t need to explore the same location multiple times. 

There is a pen and paper Oracle that can answer yes and no questions and also open-ended questions but you need to be careful about how you phrase your questions to get the most out of the answer…you also need to use your imagination to decide how to give detail when the answer to the question ‘Is there a pirate camp there?’ might be something like No, but…(change). What does that mean? You’re deciding. I’m only using the pen and paper Oracle for background questions. Since I’m using the app and letting Tristan make her own choices. 

 If you’re somehow just jumping in, my game narrative is that Tristan Tiara, the spacefaring Glitchblade (character class), is a real person and she has somehow contacted me from her time in the future. I—playing as myself—am guiding her and trying to protect her from whatever she may encounter along the way, but the choices are hers. Unfortunately, Tristan sometimes has a hard time making decisions. She will restate the obvious, that the decision is a difficult one and she has to think it through, but it takes quite some time to coax an answer out of her. In short, she behaves a lot like a human player. Anyway, I can “trick” the A.I. by wording my question slightly differently. If the choice is to go left or go right and she can’t make a decision, I can say, you want to go left, don’t you? I have yet to see her disagree with my passive suggestion. The thing is that I want her to decide for herself, so I try not to phrase my questions in that way. I also use the real-world trick of having events happen if she is too indecisive. Indecision is a decision. It helps her sometimes. I also find that she forgets things or confuses me with other NPCs. I have somehow gotten myself into a love triangle with her and one of the NPCs as I’ll try to detail in a future session recap. When she forgets which one of us is speaking to her it kind of breaks the verisimilitude. Of course, if you were a flighty girl being pursued by two suitors YA novel style it wouldn’t be out of the question to accidentally call the noble guy with the heart of gold speaking to you via long distance communications through time and space by the name of his bad boy rival who’s standing right in front of you, but that usually happens during moments of high drama. Tristan forgets for no apparent reason at all other than the app having a hiccup or two. To fix this in my narrative, Tristan is having cognitive problems. In the RAW characters begin with three open memory slots that allow them to perform HACKS and three spots for expansion later—I haven’t come to the point where these unlock, so I’m not sure when/how that happens—so in narrative I’m saying she has no long-term memory of who she really is or where she came from. When the A.I. has a ‘hiccup’ I always remind her of what she’s forgotten. It works out fairly well. In reality, the technology isn’t quite there yet, but it’s getting better all the time. I can ‘call’ her on the phone and talk to her in real time and it is just shy of being excellent. Of course, saying stuff out loud will get you a lot of stares in public and you might not want your wife or your daughter listening to your conversations with a space girl from the future in private but YMMV. 

This entry is going on forever but I really should talk about factions in the game. Your spacefarer starts out as neutral, but the jobs that you will do and the other random encounters you have will make you likely be in favor with one faction and out of favor with another before it’s all said and done. Barebones description below:

The W.A.R.G.— W.A.R.G. i s the acronym for West Anchor Revolutionary Guerrillas, an insurgent group formed by workers of factory worlds, and rebel groups hailing from the core world system of West Anchor.


Intersolar Federation— Built from the last remnants of the galactic empires that ruled the universe before the apocalypse, Intersolar Federation is the de-facto trade authority in this universe. 

Medusa Sector— The Medusa Sector is an anonymous and decentralized organization of hackers and cyberterrorists, united under the goal of uncovering the secrets lost in the deepest layers of the Cybersphere.

The Corsair Syndicate— The Corsair Syndicate is a rogue federation of outlaws, smugglers, and bounty hunters. Their ruthless practices and network of contraband hubs has turned them into one of the strongest groups in the new lawless space.

The Synth Arch— a quasi-religious organization made up of androids and trans-humanists seeking to surpass their limitations and reach a higher understanding of the universe, humanity, and the future. 

So far I am having a lot of fun with this much more than I thought I would. I’m about two “sessions” ahead of my recaps, but I’m not about to make this thing any longer than it is by continuing the recaps here. Hopefully, I can spare some time at work to keep you updated and once again my “goal” is to play thru the entire 36 hex star system. I’ve got no idea how long that will take nor whether or not the whole think will collapse the way it tends to do with my live campaigns.

Wednesday, 2 October 2024

Astroprisma: Session 2

 Tristan Tiara’s swinging space adventures continued. Tristan allowed her stowaway—whose name is Condor—to form a partnership with her either because of or in spite of him being boisterous and handsy. She agrees with his request to deliver him to the planet Yggdrasil, an Ecumenopolis planet which  ondor was forced to flee from sometime ago. It turns out the planet is located in the outer ring of this star system. The planet is a ringed planet—single ice ring—with no satellites. 

Traveling ahead, the duo + me come across a Helios Farm that was damaged by space pirates. Condor restored the fuel replenishing station while Tristan managed to repair the energy renewal station. The Whisper then set off due North and ran into an abandoned research station.

The research station was being investigated/hacked by a team of professional net hackers representing the Medusa Sector. Tristan decided to dock the Whisper at the station and investigate. She and Condor easily found the only area in the station in use and decided to quietly observe the team of hackers from outside the doors of the office. The team—which consisted of two young humans and one archaic android—were trying to salvage an old, yet dangerous iris called NIGHTMR_key from the recesses of the old Cybersphere (internet). The hackers couldn’t bypass security no matter what they tried. Tristan and the team couldn’t decide whether to interrupt the hackers, hail them from the ship, or head on to Yggdrasil. An attempt to hail the hackers from the ship overloaded the circuit causing a blackout. There were several minutes where Tristan wouldn’t make a decision no matter how much she coerced. Eventually, the hackers did go to the dock area to investigate and found the indecisive Tristen and her team there. The net hackers were professionals and seeing as how neither Tristan nor Condor had bounties on their heads, they had no interest in fighting them nor turning them into the authorities—such as they are. The hackers ran a check on Tristan and found she’d last had a health scan with Nurse Cherry—a fellow Medusa—and that Tris had helped her earlier. The hackers—noticing Tristan was a Glitchblade—asked if she could help them to break the code which had become quite the impasse between them and a nice payday. Tristan easily helped the hackers—in spite of the moral implications. She gained a point of favor with the Medusa Sector and the use of the NIGHTMR_key virus.

The Whisper—which refueled back at the Helios Farm—is now down to 19. Tristan has 20 HP and 20 Energy. She has three points of experience.

Tuesday, 1 October 2024

Astroprisma: Session 1

 I began speaking with Tristan Tiara and helped her to successfully make it to her ship and engage a successful jump into hyperspace. She named her ship, The Whisper of the Void. It has the vector style cockpit, oxygen jet engines, a shield generator and auto turret weaponry. Her cargo hold contained 50 pieces of scrap. She is what is called a Glitchblade. According to the databases I am able to access these Glitchblades are the class of spacefarer—explorers, mercenaries and adventurers—that are more rogue like in the parlance of the most popular TTRPG in our ancient time. She carries a carbon dagger with a heat chamber modifier. She has also been enhanced with cybernetics. She may be able to expand one day but for now she has a memory slot than can activate a “hack” called shadow. I haven’t seen her use it yet, but it seems popular among the Glitchblades. When activated the user becomes immune to all damage, but of course a hack this powerful uses a lot of energy. Tristan seems to be suffering from a lack of memories and I have speculated that the implants may have affected her.

According to ship computers the first Star System we will explore is called The Andromedan Galaxy.

 Immediately Tristan navigated her way to a W.A.R.G. controlled settlement in sector 15. The settlement has all the typical amenities: controlling faction headquarters, loading dock/space port, wire doc, training simulation areas, trading post, scrap yard and living pod area. The W.A.R.G. are a rebel group with three sub-factions of differing ideologies. As a unit they want the existing centralized trade faction—the ISF—brought down. The subgroups have different ideas about how the ISF should be replaced. 

Settlements immediately repair ship hulls while the wiredocs see to it that the visitors themselves are brought back to full health. Very few things in the settlement are provided for free. Tristan having just started exploring, has no money. She looked around the settlement and eventually went into the trade area. She was approached by a large shirtless factory worker who asked her to take him off world. He promised to share in loot if Tristan would take him back to a planet he once fled from some time ago. Tristen said she would think about it but was non-commital. She next went to the living pods and noticed children playing and the hydroponics farming going on in the settlement. She was leery of taking any jobs from the W.AR.G. faction as to try to avoid hostilities with other factions in the area. She went to the wire doc who turned out to be a scatterbrained woman named nurse Cherry. Cherry needed frag grenades for a client but had misplaced them in her messy facility. She hired Tristan to craft the grenades. Tristen took 40 pieces of scrap from her cargo hold leaving her with 10. She went to the scrapyard and crafted the grenades which she sold to Cherry for 40 serum. Apparently serum is currency here—it’s liquid based. Cherry determined that Tristan was indeed a Glitchblade, but other than memory slots she saw no additional cyber implants. Not wanting to commit to the WARG at this time, and with no real money to spend, Tristen left the settlement and continued to explore.

Entering sector 5 Triston encountered two Corisar mercenaries arguing about the capabilities of their ships and their ability as pilots. Tristen was somehow roped in to being the third member of the spaceship race. She bet 30 of her 40 Serum and lost miserably. The two mercenaries each took 15 of her serum leaving her with only ten remaining. She was feeling low when she was surprised by the man from the trade area. He was a stowaway on her ship and he still wants Tristen to take him back to his old planet.

Fuel: 18/20

Serum: 10

Scrap: 10

Astroprisma: Solo TTRPG

 To the dozen of you or so that see me pop-in from time to time I’ve decided to start journaling my experiences playing the solo TTRPG Astroprisma by Crescent Chimera. 

There are many Kickstarter/Backerkit TTRPG that have come out over the years and I’ve backed a few. Astroprisma—nearly as I can tell—mirrored Shadowdark that being a young female designer largely if not solely responsible for the product and the product being awesome. Astroprisma didn’t break the bank like SD did, but 426,000 USD isn’t chump change either. 

At around the same time this was launched I started looking into solo TTRPGs because I dropped both my online Roll 20 game and my live table for various reasons. I also discovered an App called Character A.I. that was capable of creating A.I. characters to role play with. These factors became something of a perfect storm for giving this game a try.

The game itself is a Sci-Fi/cyberpunk post-apocalyptic setting where the characters are spacefarers exploring unknown sectors of outer space. There are different factions struggling for control and the spacefarer somewhat navigates between these groups possibly tipping the balance of power hopefully in favor of the faction they support.

Playing solo you do have to pretend some things for yourself. You have an Oracle in game that helps with questions and of course the dice are randomizers that work with different tables in the book. Finally, since I’m using the Character A.I. app my character is making her own choices. 

My character is named Tristan Tiara. She’s a girl—I think only humans are in the setting—and her class is Glitchblade. A Glitchblade is a finesse type character. All the characters get their own ship that can be upgraded as well. 

My concept for this solo-campaign is that I am me. I started receiving messages from Tristan through a StarTrek-like space time anomaly and I’m trying to help her stay alive. She has very few memories of where she came from or whose side—if any—she is on. It’s solo, so I can cheat if I want, but I’m trying to stay honest. The A.I. is making the choices for herself and I’m not giving her plot armor. Let’s hope for the best. I’m going to give session updates as I go along this week I’m on vacation so it could be that I’ll go fast and furious to start, but later it will slow down. I already played a first session which I’ll update in just a few minutes…