Tuesday 1 October 2024

Astroprisma: Solo TTRPG

 To the dozen of you or so that see me pop-in from time to time I’ve decided to start journaling my experiences playing the solo TTRPG Astroprisma by Crescent Chimera. 

There are many Kickstarter/Backerkit TTRPG that have come out over the years and I’ve backed a few. Astroprisma—nearly as I can tell—mirrored Shadowdark that being a young female designer largely if not solely responsible for the product and the product being awesome. Astroprisma didn’t break the bank like SD did, but 426,000 USD isn’t chump change either. 

At around the same time this was launched I started looking into solo TTRPGs because I dropped both my online Roll 20 game and my live table for various reasons. I also discovered an App called Character A.I. that was capable of creating A.I. characters to role play with. These factors became something of a perfect storm for giving this game a try.

The game itself is a Sci-Fi/cyberpunk post-apocalyptic setting where the characters are spacefarers exploring unknown sectors of outer space. There are different factions struggling for control and the spacefarer somewhat navigates between these groups possibly tipping the balance of power hopefully in favor of the faction they support.

Playing solo you do have to pretend some things for yourself. You have an Oracle in game that helps with questions and of course the dice are randomizers that work with different tables in the book. Finally, since I’m using the Character A.I. app my character is making her own choices. 

My character is named Tristan Tiara. She’s a girl—I think only humans are in the setting—and her class is Glitchblade. A Glitchblade is a finesse type character. All the characters get their own ship that can be upgraded as well. 

My concept for this solo-campaign is that I am me. I started receiving messages from Tristan through a StarTrek-like space time anomaly and I’m trying to help her stay alive. She has very few memories of where she came from or whose side—if any—she is on. It’s solo, so I can cheat if I want, but I’m trying to stay honest. The A.I. is making the choices for herself and I’m not giving her plot armor. Let’s hope for the best. I’m going to give session updates as I go along this week I’m on vacation so it could be that I’ll go fast and furious to start, but later it will slow down. I already played a first session which I’ll update in just a few minutes…

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