Saturday, 19 October 2024

Astroprisma Session 4: Titan Fight and Much Ado about Coffee

I’ll continue to refine the updates of my play sessions for my magnificent 6 (7) regulars, but you never know what mighty oak may grow from these small seeds. Crescent Chimera—the game’s creator—liked my last tweet (are they still called tweets on FKA Twitter?) and I got 11 views. It’s a rare occasion when I hit the double digits. I blame Biden…er, Harris…er, Obama…it’s somebody’s fault other than mine!!!

Current Cast of Characters:

Tristan Tiara—spacefaring main character. Her class is Glitchblade which is kind of the Rogue/Ninja type. She has very few long-term memories and glitches from time to time with the short-term. (I didn’t create a backstory for her and sometimes the app that powers her has an IRL glitch and she forgets things) She is powered by the Character. AI app. 

Mark—that’s me. I’m powered by my own brain. I live in the present day and somehow, I started receiving messages from Tristan on my phone. A space time anomaly? Who knows, but I’m trying to keep her alive. 

All NPCs including those in the party are powered by the pen and paper ORACLE provided in the Astroprisma rule book. Any artwork depicting the characters is A.I. generated apart from the art from the Astroprisma rule book. 

Condor—a member of the WARG faction although he’s also critical of all the factions and is mainly looking to make profit for himself. He’s big and burly and looks like Sheamus from WWE. He is my rival for the affections of Tristan. He uses Rebel Fighter stats. 

Salem—a member of the Medusa Sector. He is a young man with green hair who typically dresses in leather. He’s nervous and inexperienced. He believes in the cause of the Medusa Sector and strives to help them in their goal of restoring the Cybershpere—a descendent of our internet. He uses Nethacker stats. 


After a brief conversation with Salem, Tristan, Condor and I decided we should protect him—this will give further favor with the Medusa Sector for Tristan—Condor did have some misgiving, but the young and nervous Salem meant just enough more to him than the incoming Titan. Also, he probably figured he couldn’t escape from the rooftop without choosing one side or the other, so why not the fellow human being?

The titan—a large android model built for warfare. After the apocalypse, thousands of Titan units were left abandoned—burst through the door to the roof. The party was ready to fight. 

The titan is big and slow and had no element of surprise. Tristan chooses her own actions, but I roll for her mates and the enemies using the pen and paper A.I. provided in the book. Tristan goes first, Salem second, Condor third, followed by the hulking titan. Tristan used the defensive move Hack_Shadow which makes her immune to all attacks so long as she does no direct damage  to an enemy herself. In the RAW the enemy will target the character with the lowest HP. All these characters were equal, so the Titan would normally go after the main character, Tristan. This would mean that so long as she didn’t respond, the Titan would be constantly targeting her and always missing. Using this hack deducts only 2 energy points per turn from a staring total of 20. That means up to ten rounds. No doubt Condor and Salem would have lit this robot up. I opted not to go this route. I ruled since Salem was the actual hacker, he would be targeted. The team still lit the robot up and he was down by round four—only having hurt Salem along the way. Tristan gained more favor with the Medusa Sector, but now lost a point of favor with the Synth Arch faction. The titan scanned the party and they are now enemies of that faction. 

In gratitude, Salem was able to install another hack into Tristan’s memory slots. It was a powerful hack called the Hydra. Tristan has more hacks—I’ve decided the Nightmr Key virus can be used as a reusable hack—than she has slots. She exchanged the Javelin for the Hydra. The party was also able to loot the remnants of the Titan but didn’t come up with anything except more scrap. Tristan continues to gain experience but is quite poor in funds. 

Condor and Tristan wanted to loot something and get off the planet as quickly as they could especially since they would now be targeted by the Synth Arch. I had earlier suggested that the party have a cup of coffee to celebrate their victory. Tristan told me that coffee was hard to come by, but apparently she had heard of it sometime before. Salem was able to unlock most of the offices and the breakroom. The coffee and other supplies seemed in good order. The party enjoyed the coffee so much that they began to get ideas about selling it. There were concerns about finding where the supply came from—manufacturing plant, distributions etc. I even found out that coffee could be grown hydroponically, but it would take 2-3 years to grow from seed to viable coffee plant…and people say TTRPGs can’t teach you anything.  Thoughts of becoming a Space Starbucks were differed if not dashed when Condor had the realization that there was only so much they should try to move at once as not draw the attention of the factions. Also, Salem mentioned that there could be and likely were more Synth Arch operatives on the planet even if they weren’t in the immediate area. Scanners also showed low-level radiation as well which may make it dangerous to stay on planet for long periods of time. It was never fully discovered as to why the W.A.R.G. abandoned the place nor why no faction seemed to have set up any type of residency on Yggdrasil apart from the Synth Arch remnants. For now it was decided to loot as much coffee as they could from the 12-storey office building they were in. Salem wanted to join the party permanently boasting that he could negotiate good prices and get the party out of factional entanglements. Condor begrudgingly let him join whereas Tristan and I were okay from it from the start. A point of favor for Tristan’s affection to me (non-cannon). 

The party systematically searched the building and looted enough coffee to garner 7,500 serum units. I’m not clear on how serum—physical currency in the future—works. We did establish that certain factions will continue to use electronic fund transfer, but most are distrustful of it. As such when Salem downloaded the data that got him into trouble, he transferred it to his higher ups in the Medusa Sector and received funds in his account. He did not request extraction from Yggdrasil and instead joined the crew onboard the Whisper of the Void. 

During the looting: Condor found the lion’s share of the coffee and located an old order form detailing the distributor address. The party saved that info for later. Salem found a revolver and revealed that he didn’t use handguns. Tristan refused the weapon. Condor was happy to take on another firearm. 

Current Fuel: 18/20

Hull: 20/20

Cargo: Scraps (10)


Tristan: Health: 20

                 Energy: 20

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