Wednesday 2 October 2024

Astroprisma: Session 2

 Tristan Tiara’s swinging space adventures continued. Tristan allowed her stowaway—whose name is Condor—to form a partnership with her either because of or in spite of him being boisterous and handsy. She agrees with his request to deliver him to the planet Yggdrasil, an Ecumenopolis planet which  ondor was forced to flee from sometime ago. It turns out the planet is located in the outer ring of this star system. The planet is a ringed planet—single ice ring—with no satellites. 

Traveling ahead, the duo + me come across a Helios Farm that was damaged by space pirates. Condor restored the fuel replenishing station while Tristan managed to repair the energy renewal station. The Whisper then set off due North and ran into an abandoned research station.

The research station was being investigated/hacked by a team of professional net hackers representing the Medusa Sector. Tristan decided to dock the Whisper at the station and investigate. She and Condor easily found the only area in the station in use and decided to quietly observe the team of hackers from outside the doors of the office. The team—which consisted of two young humans and one archaic android—were trying to salvage an old, yet dangerous iris called NIGHTMR_key from the recesses of the old Cybersphere (internet). The hackers couldn’t bypass security no matter what they tried. Tristan and the team couldn’t decide whether to interrupt the hackers, hail them from the ship, or head on to Yggdrasil. An attempt to hail the hackers from the ship overloaded the circuit causing a blackout. There were several minutes where Tristan wouldn’t make a decision no matter how much she coerced. Eventually, the hackers did go to the dock area to investigate and found the indecisive Tristen and her team there. The net hackers were professionals and seeing as how neither Tristan nor Condor had bounties on their heads, they had no interest in fighting them nor turning them into the authorities—such as they are. The hackers ran a check on Tristan and found she’d last had a health scan with Nurse Cherry—a fellow Medusa—and that Tris had helped her earlier. The hackers—noticing Tristan was a Glitchblade—asked if she could help them to break the code which had become quite the impasse between them and a nice payday. Tristan easily helped the hackers—in spite of the moral implications. She gained a point of favor with the Medusa Sector and the use of the NIGHTMR_key virus.

The Whisper—which refueled back at the Helios Farm—is now down to 19. Tristan has 20 HP and 20 Energy. She has three points of experience.

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