Sunday 7 August 2016

The RPG a Day 2016 Blog Day 8

August 8: Do you prefer hardcover, softcover, or electronic books? What are the benefits of your preference?

It will be a short one today. My preference is hardcover. Hardcover books are in it for the long haul. They are durable and I like being able to flip to a certain section quickly. I like using physical book marks and post-its. It just has a better feel for me. The downside is that they are heavy, expensive and take up a lot of space.

Softcover comes in second place for me. They are lighter and sometimes cheaper, but I find that they take up just as much space and are less durable. There are occasions when a full-sized softcover is very nearly the same price as a book with a nice hardcover.

Last but not least, electronic books. I don't like them as much because I'm old and like the feel of physical copies in my hands. I find that it is still easier to flip to a section in a printed copy than it is to scroll through to a particular section. The device has to be charged and sometimes that charge doesn't last as long as you would think. If you change devices, you have to transfer all the data, and that can take a while. There is always a chance that you can lose data as well...or the files might be corrupted. On the plus side, most downloads are going to be least they should be. You can bring many volumes with you on a tablet or smartphone and it's easy to access out of print materials. Anything that can help to lighten the load and lessen the paraphernalia can't be all bad.

...and that's all I've got for today.

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