Thursday 23 August 2018

RPG A Day 2018: Day 24...Which RPG do you think deserves more recognition?

You know I'll say Ryuutama because I want everyone to play it, but I talk about it a lot, so I'll talk about something different today.

13th Age which I talked about for its dice mechanic is one of the best and most unique RPGs around, but it has always been overshadowed by D&D and Pathfinder when it comes to the fantasy RPG systems. Aside from the escalation die mechanic I mentioned earlier, the characters also have what is called 'One Unique Thing' which is just what it says it is. The player picks one thing that their character can do that no other character in the entire world can. I thought it was a lot of fun when I played it, but it's definitely fallen off my radar over the years, and I assume that holds true for most people.

Check out their site and give them a shot...

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