Thursday 25 August 2022

RPG A Day 2022--Day 25--Where has that Character Been?

 Still talking about the Ryuujin, Navi Brightheart. She's been to the past, she's been to Haven--the home setting for 'Palace of the Silver Princess, which is the module I'm allegedly running, but you wouldn't recognize it--and back to her homeland of Nonestica--the world of Oz. 

We could just end it right there, but the most interesting place this character has actually been is inside the minds and bodies of missing PCs. When in Haven, Navi takes possession of a marionette that serves as her avatar. This puppet is her first form as a Ryuujin and--at earlier levels--the only means of interacting with the PCs physically. When a player was absent from a game, I had the puppet sit with the missing character and "strings" would come from the marionette and enter them. Navi could then control the character but it moved in a perky-jerky fashion like when Freddy controlled the puppet kid. That character couldn't talk and could only perform basic actions. This worked well in Haven, but now that I have missing players when the characters are in Nonestica/Oz with the pixie version of Navi beside them, it doesn't make any narrative sense. I usually just say the character with the missing player now has Flutterbudgets and is too nervous and freaked out to say anything or move. So here and there characters are going in and out of a catatonic state. Oh, well. 

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