Tuesday 3 August 2021

RPGaDAY 2021: Day 3 Support

 For day 3...I'm taking a risk, but I'm talking about support....

Rolled another D4 for #RPGaDay2021 Day 3…and I got a ‘3’ which means support. Now, we’re supposed to be keeping positive during this thing and God knows for what remains such a niche hobby—relatively speaking—there is a ton of negativity out there. I’m sticking by the roll of the dice, but I may well have done better to fudge the numbers because writing about ‘support’ and what I ‘support’ may in fact be practicing taking a ‘risk’—another possible topic—in this day of soyboy rage and SJW cancel culture.
I hate it that we live in a society where snowflakes need trigger warnings, where monsters should be viewed as misunderstood

 fellow creatures, and oldskool books have to have disclaimers for being problematic. It kills me when companies bend over backwards to apologize to a vocal minority. RPGs in general and DnD in specific should be rock-n-roll! I haven't been this upset with a hobby since professional wrestling went to a PG rating. I could moan all day, but all I’ll say--in line with todays topic--is that if you want to play games without MESSAGE that focus on gaming and not on identity politics, it is best to support the small independent publishers because WoTC is doubling down in the other direction. We can’t always exclusively support the Indys with ‘thoughts and prayers’ either—although I believe that helps—sometimes you have to loosen the grip on the gold, and put your money where your mouth is. There are plenty of projects going on out there that don’t concentrate on preaching to you about diversity quotas and points of personal privilege. Give them your support if oldskool gaming is what you want.
I know…I know…as a veteran of the Twitter wars as of late, a lot of new, younger players like playing snowflake inclusive style and it doesn’t affect my table at all, but when a mob of WOKEs cause a promising company to instantly go into chaos for a creator doing nothing more than stating his opinion—which may not even be representative of the company as a whole, then I start to question who is being oppressed and who is doing the oppressing. It should be a free market place and let the customer decide.
May be a cartoon of text

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