Monday 9 August 2021

RPGaDAY2021: Day 10--Light

 #RPGaDAY2021 it's day 10 and I rolled a '3' which makes today's topic 'light'.

A part of the fun of doing these entries is just to see if I can come up with something to say for 31 straight days. Today is going to be one of those writer's block days with the 'light' topic. All I can really think of is 'Rules-Light' and how I prefer that style of game to the more "crunchy" games of yesteryear. I think a lot of it has to do with the availability of free-time.
I enjoy reading new systems and even creating characters and scenarios for games that I'm very unlikely to even get the chance to play. I'm sure a lot of you do the same since I'm preaching to the choir, but most people just don't have that much time to engage in the hobby. Rules-light systems are easier to get into and a lot easier to explain to players who may not purchase or read the game rules. Almost all modern games are heading in this direction or at the very least provide a 'quick start' version. I would argue that D&D 5E on the whole is fairly rules-light already, but I really like what was done with Index Card Roleplaying Game. It shifts a lot of things around and even adds a mechanic or two, but overall it streamlines 5E like nobody's business. I'd also mention the starter sets/beginner's boxes for Cyberpunk:RED and Pathfinder (haven't played the 2E BB yet, but I'm sure it's good) are in my opinion good enough to keep playing without expanding to the full-rules sets especially for the casual players.
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