Monday 23 August 2021


 #RPGaDAY2021 Day 23 and yet again I rolled a '4' which means 'surprise' is the topic.

We're 23 days in, so no doubt about it my thoughts are starting to peter out, but I always try to make at least a short comment each day even if it's only as an exercise for myself.

So, what has surprised me most about the hobby in recent years? I have to again mention the popularity of the crowd funded indy projects.

I don't back every project that I want--I'm like a kid in the candy store and my wife would file for divorce if I did--but here is final tally on the recent projects I backed:

Adventures in Oz--$187,125
Anime 5E--$608,702

Some made more than others, but each one is a huge success in my mind. My most recents happen to be running on the 5E engine, but I have backed several other successful projects that had nothing to do with D&D...and now we have this one:

Avatar Legends $6,870,567 (as of this post 10 more days to go)

This one isn't for me, but in my mind this kind of money isn't being spent on a dying hobby. It's showing me that the sky is the limit even for imaginative independent creators...especially if they can get a hold of a well-loved IP.

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