Saturday 7 August 2021

RPGaDAY 2021: Day 8--Stream

 #RPGaDAY2021 and Day 8 is here in China. No rolling the random number generator today as we have 'Stream' assigned to the day.

If you've read any of my previous posts then you can guess what I think of streaming TTRPG sessions to YouTube and the like. It's a double-edged sword. I do want the hobby to grow and streamed games have done just that, but it's brought a lot of undesirables in and as much as I play keyboard warrior in the rally vs. the WOKE, I can see where companies who have a product to sell will want to sell it to as many people they can. I get that. That said, I really haven't been able to get into any streams consistently, but I do have a couple of recommendations.
I actually watched that pink-haired guy when he ran a Ryuutama game, but I won't link to the vids after his deal, but it gets honorable mention in spite of the host being dishonorable.
The first group is just the guys from Playstation Access. It was a short Cyberpunk 2020 campaign essentially to talk about the IP just before the CP:2077 video game came out. I think they were the best I watched and it's short enough to watch the entire campaign.
The next is from a regular troupe that I have subscribed to called Red Moon Roleplaying. They are a great group of players, and I particularly liked the Mork Borg campaign.
MÖRK BORG: Rotblack Sludge 01 (OSR Actual Play)

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