Friday 11 August 2023

RPG a Day 2023: The 10th Anniversary Edition--Day 11 Weirdest Game You've Played

 I respond to these prompts off the cuff each day if you couldn't tell, so some entries come easier than others. I'm trying to think of a weird system I've played or a weird table I've played at. As a socially conservative guy you would think I would have some stories about the weirdos that I've met in the hobby, but to be honest, even when playing blind games at conventions, I've never run into weird situations in spite of playing with groups of randos that I'm likely at political odds with. It's just never been an issue. I already wrote about an uncomfortable session I had with a 'real' racist once during a previous RPGaDay. There's no need to readdress that, but it remains the weirdest table I ever sat at. Lots of weird moments of silence as the racist dude made his "jokes". The word 'snowflake' gets bandied around a lot when talking about my fellow hobbyists, but if you ever play with a 'real' racist rather than a normal person who's only been labeled as one, you'll know. Hopefully, you'll never experience it. I'm just thankful it was at a friend's house and not out in public. That leaves me where I started searching my memories for a weird system...

Fragged Empire comes to mind. I never got to play it, but I do own it and my copy is out in the world somewhere--America? Philippines? Who knows?. I do know that it's not with me here in China. I missed out on the Kickstarter when it was being funded and wound up buying in afterwords because I liked the artwork. The game itself is full of weird mechanics and the font they decided to use made it almost impossible for me to read. I don't recommend picking it up and I'm not even leaving a synopsis,  but I will say this, It was successful enough to get a 2nd edition. The artwork is still some of my favorite stuff for a post-apocalyptic world. There are many weird character designs that's for sure. 

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